ASAI IJCAI Satellite Event 2022

Monday, July 25, 15:00-18:00, WU Wien, TC 2.01

How to get there: from IJCAI or via the subway.

WU Wien, Library Learning Center

ASAI would like to take the opportunity of the IJCAI-ECAI 2022 in Vienna to bring together AI researchers from Austria. To do this, we will organize an informal satellite event to further connect the Austrian AI community. The idea is to bring together researchers in the broader area of AI under the umbrella of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence, who is organizing this event.

The meeting will be held at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, TC 2.01, in walking distance of the IJCAI location Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center, on the same day as IJCAI’s welcome reception, which will take place right after our event in WU’s landmark building, the Library Learning Center.

Following the goals of the workshop, we aim to have two main agenda items:

Research Group Presentations

Within the event, we would like to give AI research groups in Austria the opportunity to present themselves. This should be a five-minute short presentation containing the following:

Networking and Discussions

The main goal of the event is networking and enabling new collaborations and discussion amongst Austrian AI researchers, in line with the goals of ASAI and Uniko recently published in a joint position paper to strengthen the community and, apart from research, to also discuss broader topics such as Austria’s AI strategy and the role of the academic Austrian research community within. Refreshments will be provided and there is a possibility to join the subsequent IJCAI Welcome Reception.

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